In my devotional practice as a Witch Anum Cara. I visited Auldearn, a small village outside Nairn in the Highlands. An area that was home to Isobel Gowdie, whose comprehensive confessions are still debated by academics today. I wrote a short narration from a feminist viewpoint about her confessions a couple of years ago. I have put this up for anyone who wants to read it.
I also wrote a song about Isobel, called - Witch Queen. This was recorded by The Daughters of the Cailleach and gifted to the charity, Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland. Please click on the link and purchase the song to support them.
While in the village, I let down my grey hair and removed the ritual red thread from my braid before lamenting and keening to sing home the souls of any earthbound accused from the hunt of 1662. After the expression of my unsung grief, I held a sacred ceremony and laid white quartz stones that I had collected for the 22 accused witches from Auldearn who were persecuted. By saying their names, they are never forgotten!
Issobel Gowdie
Issobel Friece
Bessie Friece
Archilbald Man
Helen Inglis
Janet Smith
Marione Taylor
Agnes Torie
Elspet Nishie
Margaret Wilsone
Elspet Chisolm
Elspet Makhomie
Bessie Wilson
Mariorie Man
Keathren Sowter
Barbara Friece
Janet Burnet
Margaret Brodie
Bessie Hay
Elspeth Makbeith
Isobel More
Jean Martin
And the sundry mair ….